blogging, writing

Friday Feature #2

Presenting to you my second Friday feature post by Jaismine, The Thunder Poet 🙂

Symphonies From a Mental Asylum…

Now, my Mama once told me,

‘World ain’t fair, kid….’

“Etched out of Silhouettes,

Nyx is my mocked kin;

Cease to define

My blemishes so befittingly,

O’ glaring Sunlight.

Carved out of Nightmares,

My face remains an atrocity

In somebody’s Nirvana;

Wash away 

The layers of my miseries,

O’ wasted Tears.

Tempests of apologies

Yet my skin burns every retina with dread;

Whilst melanin confines me,

Why do you defy me,

O’ Reflection mine?

One, Two, Three,

Shadows veil my being.

Conceal, don’t be seen;

Am I a living blasphemy?

Now, my Mama once told me,

“World ain’t fair, kid.”

No ma, It isn’t

‘Cause I still exist.”

Comment down below if you want her post to win the ‘Feature of the Month ‘ 🙂

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